Stella, the adventurous archeologist goes on a quest
to unearth the secrets of the ancient ruins
8 weeks halfspeed
Created in Unity
- Level Design
- Game Design
- QA

Beatrice Johansson
Elisabet Trinh
Johnnes Göransson
Rasmus Hartonen
Level Design
Emanuel Salomon
Guillermo Valerdi Chalate
Pontus Beckström
Daniel Rosén
Emil Olofsson
Miguel Blix Manuel
Natdanai Puthom
Olle Karlson Reutercrona
Vilhelm Gafvelin
Development and thoughts
The pre-production we had during this project was really unique compared to earlier projects and how other groups had worked. We set our own deadline for a minimum viable product, both to challenge ourselves and to get as much polish as possible for the project. Looking back at the project, it did not work out as we had planned, but it was a good learning experience as we did have a lot of productivity early on in the project and had something playable quite early, which helped out a lot in gaining relevant playtest feedback. One of the aspects of the project I really enjoyed was how Guillermo, Pontus, and I did a collaborative paper sketch of the world and levels.